Tuesday 29 March 2016

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein

So I've moved or rather should I say I've run away from the old house as it is in utter chaos and have left it in the capable (albeit close to breaking) hubby. Boxes are everywhere, shelves remain unpacked and apparently we have now run out of boxes and the movers should be arriving at any moment. Ask me again why I like moving???
I now don't - apart from the belief that we need a new start, fresh air, a life by the sea blah blah blah. Ah this is just the start. So I drove down with my 2 youngest yesterday and hubby brought down Willis (our dog) as well as another mountain of boxes. We all slept on the floor and apart from waking this morning with the back from hell and tiredness like never before I feel remarkably upbeat. Little man is more than happy with his new bedroom and is currently sitting on a stool in an empty bedroom playing with his ds. a positive sign of things to come hopefully. The house feels like our home already weirdly. Now the bad points I went to sleep on the floor (now I won't even do camping I might consider glamping but only again if it is a proper bed so that should explain how bad it is at home to make me want to sleep on a hard floor. An alarm or rather a bleeping sound goes off every minute and I swear it felt like every minute possibly around 2am I finally got up used the little mans stool and took the blasted batteries out of the smoke alarm. Have no fear we were still safe there are not 1, not 2 but 3 smoke alarms on the upstairs landing so we should be ok. Then there is the creaking whenever you sleep in a strange place its always hard to sleep and yes you guessed it I didn't have my meds but to be fair I wouldn't have felt right taking my meds (even if I'd remembered to pack them) as they really do knock me out for the night. CREAKING FLOORBOARDS . So all night I heard these floorboards going making noises even when everyone was asleep they just creaked and groaned. I had option I stayed in bed and ignored it because the likelihood of it being a ghost  or a burglar were quite slim. One its fairly a modern house unless its been built on a .......................................... oh no, no ignore me of course it wasn't. A burglar hmmm perhaps they'd be better waiting until we had some things in the house to steal. So anyway I got up to check and of course there was nothing around, phew!
So this morning woke extremely early not helped by the fact I haven't put up any curtains yet, so the light of day came streaming through the windows.
Now my biggest bugbear about this house, our en suite they have a door length mirror on the back of the en suite door so when you sit on the loo you well you see yourself going to the loo and its not really a pretty site might have been 20 years ago but definitely not anymore. So first thing on hubbies agenda after the movers have gone will be to take that monstrosity down it even has a crack in the mirror that has to be bad karma.
Now I have to get up and walk Willis do I do what I want to do and drive to the doggy beach and walk him or should that be something that hubby would want to do too, methinks I should wait for hubby for the beach walk or ok you got me the real walk I'd like to give Willis would be me staying in bed (ok the lovely floor) and have a nice cup of tea whilst Willis walks himself over to the park hmmm
could he do that??? So no I will have to bite the bullet and get up.........................................hmmm in a minute.
By the way the rooms have all changed since I've now spent a night here so the dining room / kitchen will now be seaside themed, the living room, warm, cosy and shabby chic, bedroom romantic and floral (hubby will love that)https://plus.google.com/share?.url=http%3A%2F%2Fgifrific.com%2Ftony-stark-shakes-his-head%2F
Hee Hee

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