Saturday 12 March 2016

I own too much black - said no one EVER!

So I've given up on making lists after now having 23 notebooks for which I can now use to make my lists. Instead I have become proactive ok a week late but I've started and it was on my wardrobe. I swear I have nothing to wear so am always wearing the same top / jeans combo and that's when I'm not in my pjs (which is a lot / the perk of working from home).

My wardrobe - where do I begin 
I seem to have numerous amounts of shoes / boots in tan or beige
numerous amounts of handbags again in said tan or beige
(and who said I didn't like Magnolia at least I'd match the walls)
Sandals again quite a few but at least in the summer I seem to go for black or white.
Clothes I went through a phase of liking really bright bold prints and (cough) brought a few and didn't wear them so the charity shop will enjoy as most still have labels on them but I really haven't the time to take pictures of clothes onto Ebay or Facebook and then be haggled down to £1 for the item and find myself waiting in all day for them to collect (ok I don't leave the house but still thats not the point)
3 bags of clothes & shoes off to the charity shop (no bags what does that say about me). Feeling lighter my chest of drawers are sorted out and now open able I find I have plenty of clothes left to wear different outfits in the summer for hmmm maybe several years. MUST curtail my spending!!
Now I have a few minutes left before I need to get ready as I'm off out with some girlfriends tonight for a huge catchup as its been a bloomin age since we last saw each other. But ...... at the moment
(thanks wardrobe) I can barely move my neck is aching and my back is bust and on hubbys instructions I didn't do too much spoon theory and all that 
(linen cupboard tomorrow) so I might have to crawl to the restaurant but a few wines later (hopefully)
 will be the tonic I need (pain killer accelerant) to cope  oh and that's before I even get started on my fat club which I started 4 weeks ago now and I'm officially bleesed as punch to say so far I have lost just over 1 stone. Now I get 30 points per day on the weight watchers smart points system so today breakfast (cereal) lunch (cereal) trying to save my points as you do when you need a drink (or should that be need to drink) haven't had a drop of alcohol in 5 weeks now someone hold me up! so I figure if I get a jug of wine too I can try to drink just 3 glasses of wine (really good for me as I'd like more) and then the food remembering that 15 has already gone on the wine. Oooops just started doing my points for today to see what I had left and remembered I snuck 3 Maryland cookies into my mouth while I was doing the wardrobe :(. 2 points for each cookie and as I had 3 they whacked me on with 7 points no fair! so for dinner I have 13 points left and my 3 glasses of wine are 15 (although no doubt I'll get penalised for that little manoeuvre) so down to minus 2 points (going well) now what to eat. Points wise the best option is to go for the half portions which start at 14 points (WTF) I may as well sit outside with my wine watching everyone eat. So what shall I eat - TBC
TTFN!! x

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