Thursday 24 March 2016

I generally avoid tempation unless I can't resist it - Mae West

Avoidance techniques in full flow today. So all my shops are closed no work to do, just a day ready to get packing, throwing rubbish away etc etc and what am I doing blogging still in bed at 10.30am.
 From this picture I would say I'm at the bottom 4 rungs of the step, well not the bottom one because I do want everything packed up but I seriously don't know how I am going to do it. A lot of my illness is perceived brain reflexes so something that would make the average person feel cold would make me feel freezing, likewise with pain a single touch can hurt. Fibromyalgia is quite simply the most confusing illness to try to explain to people and when you look normal, well as normal as you can look after putting on nearly 4 stone since having the illness. Anyway enough of that I'm hopeful the sea air will be all the medicine I need.

I might start my packing with getting rid of all my shoes all I'll need now is flip flops and wellie boots.

Count down 5 days to move - well I move on day 4 so 4 days to move. I haven't done yadda yadda you've heard the story I can fill the blog with what I haven't done yet and fill maybe a sentence with what I have done so will start being proactive.

Today's plan -
Dining Room - Books (throw - pack)
Kitchen - Drawers (throw 2 drawers full of stuff I know we haven't touched in the 3.5 years we've been here)
Living Room (Toys pack)
Pack up cushions, throws, pictures etc
En suite (pack - throw makeup there's a lot)
Evening - change of address for current companies (I know I know should have been done weeks ago) in particular my Coast magazine subscription :).

So this is sadly a very short blog, but if I don't get up soon the removal people will just be taking me in the bed


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